How to Change Your Writing Voice

A few paragraphs into a book by some of the best-selling authors reveal their distinct writing styles. The ability to change your writing voice can help you achieve new heights as a unique and singular author. In a sea of similar writing, having a distinct voice helps us stand out and connect with our readers, enticing them to return to “hear” our voice again and again. The time and effort you put into deciding on a writing voice are well worth the effort. There is no substitute for finding your voice when writing, whether it’s for the sake of amusement or to move others with your prose.

If you’re having a hard time getting people to read your work or keeping yourself motivated, you need to take a step back and reboot. It’s time to find and develop your unique voice. What matters when it comes to changing your voice is taking the time to get to know the ever-evolving, complex, nuanced, messy inner self that powers the words you put on paper. The thought of trying to develop a voice can be extremely intimidating and overwhelming. This article is for those of you who also want to know how to change your writing voice. As a result, please continue to read.

Decide Why & Who You're Writing for 

How to Change Your Writing Voice

Decide Why & Who You’re Writing for 

A better understanding of your audience can help you choose what information to include, organize it, and what supporting details are required for the reader to understand what you’re presenting. It also influences the tone and structure of the document.

You could inquire about their weekend plans and highlight something that happened the previous week. You must know what you’re writing about to choose and focus your topic, identify the needs and concerns of your readers, and decide how to put together your article or story.

The most important considerations for a writer are the audience and the purpose. In this sense, audience and purpose influence each other: the writer’s audience influences his goal and his purpose influences which audience he addresses.

Read Books About The New Writing Voice

When you’re writing, it’s easy to lose your distinct voice as you become preoccupied with things like word count and how to describe the cracked coffee cup your character is holding initially and excitingly. There are solutions, and it is not unusual.

That’s why reading books regarding the writing voice you want is a good idea to know the details of the writing voice. So many writers write in different voices so, it’s good news for you as you can learn from so many distinctive writing voices by reading.

The voices of authors are conveyed in two ways: through third-person narration or the point of view expressed in their novel. Some authors, such as Tony Morrison and Nathaniel Hawthorne, tell their stories in omniscient third-person narration. Identifying and comprehending the various voices in a piece of writing is a critical component of analyzing it.

Practice More And More in New Writing Voice

It will be easier and more efficient if you practice your new writing voice. Take note of who you’re speaking with. Keep your intended audience in mind as you write. Making deliberate choices about the words you use and the length of your sentences can help you stay on track with your writing.

Practicing your new writing voice will help your writing process because you will know what to look for before writing. Use this as a starting point for your own. Organizing your thoughts, honing your analytical skills, and strengthening your writing muscles are all advantages of doing research and summarizing concepts step by step.

Start with a rough draft, and don’t be concerned about it; the goal of practice is to improve your writing gradually, and you can only do that if you have something to work with.

Get Feedback from Others

Get Feedback from Others

Feedback entails paying close attention, analyzing, and brainstorming the best possible solution to improve your performance. There is plenty of room for improvement, and everyone can see what they can do to improve.

Receiving feedback on your reading habits can assist you in better understanding your own. As a result, you’ll have a better experience of what you’re trying to say. Observing what others are doing can assist you in identifying your distinct voice and interests.

Attempt to generate new material while preserving what you already have. You’ll leave a trail of incorrect words and thoughts in your path. Assume you delete your initial ideas and work, which would disrupt the flow that would lead you to the true meaning of your work. Cleaning up your previous work as you go delays your progress—accustom yourself to seeing the mess so that your voice can grow and emerge from within.

Be Yourself While Writing

To cultivate one’s writing voice, one must remain faithful to oneself while changing one’s writing style. Your self-esteem will directly impact how well you do as a writer. However, as with most things, your level of self-assurance and ability to persuade yourself that what you’re doing is worthwhile will determine your success.

It’s easier to admit your ignorance when you’re confident in who you are and what you know. Because you and your coworkers are aware of this, you will not be afraid to ask questions. You will be admired for your eagerness to learn from others.

Try New Writing Styles

Trying new things in writing allows us to expand our minds and learn about the latest items and ourselves, which helps us overcome our fears. The adrenaline rush follows. New experiences are always exciting and memorable, but nothing beats the adrenaline rush of a new adventure.

The desire to seek out new experiences is known as neophilia, and research shows that it is essential to our well-being. Neophilia is a good predictor of longevity because new experiences lead to a healthier and happier life.

You can quickly discover your unique writing voice if you practice, experiment, and mimic the styles of other authors. It is entirely up to you to express yourself in your writing. By varying the tone, style, and perspective, an author can experiment with a wide range of topics. Related: How To Find Your Writing Style

Why You Should Write

Why You Should Write

Clear Your Thoughts

You can act based on your emotions. You’ll be able to make more informed decisions as you better understand your thoughts and feelings. Taking these steps is more efficient and considerate. They are motivated by their observations as well as a specific goal.

Most of the time, the stories are hidden, and you are afraid to tell them. Writing allows you to see your thoughts in a different light. You’ll be able to combine, ban, and generate new ideas if you write your heart out.

Helps with Stress and Anxiety

According to studies on expressive writing, writing about anxious thoughts and stress can help reduce them. Writing can help you manage your symptoms and improve your mood by prioritizing your problems, fears, and concerns. It is critical to keep track of your signs daily to better understand them. It is encouraged to use positive self-talk and to recognize negative thoughts.

Writing about your feelings and thoughts that you haven’t expressed out loud can provide cathartic stress relief. Make sure that your emotions do not fall into the hands of the wrong people, or you may end up paying hefty blackmail fees. You don’t have to use a paperweight to hit the person who represents your fury, anxiety, concern, and stress.

You Could Know Yourself More

Writing forces you to focus on a specific subject and express your thoughts clearly and concisely. If only our thoughts were as logically consistent and concise as our writing, producing a good piece of work would be a piece of cake.

Writing helps you understand your new knowledge; it will help you organize your thoughts. Although you may not need to research a specific piece, reading what others have written about the subject is still a good idea.

As a result of putting pen to paper, your willpower will be honed. All you have to do to determine your level of discipline is commit to a project and stick to it. Write a book to reconnect with your thoughts, values, and motivations.

Helps You Improve Your Communication

If you improve your writing articulation, you will be able to speak and think more clearly. To communicate clearly, you must be able to put your thoughts on paper clearly and concisely. As a result, you’ll be a better and more fluid communicator every day.

Considering communication is important to human existence, writing can be an effective approach to enhance your communication abilities. Writing takes time, but you may be able to edit and then share your thoughts with the rest of the world.

Practicing self-expression through writing, such as email, can help you improve both your verbal and written communication skills. Writing regularly will help you learn how to structure your words quickly and diplomatically when expressing yourself or asking difficult questions.

Writing Helps to Shape and Improve Your Imagination

Helps to Shape and Improve Your Imagination 

Only through the use of imagination can a more profound sense of meaning be recreated. When we use a story in this way, it can have a specific effect on a reader or audience. We can also find our imagination by questioning, subverting, or changing what is in front of us.

When you put an idea into words, it becomes more apparent. Furthermore, writing down your thoughts can be a huge help when you’re trying to explain your concepts to someone else.

Writing down our thoughts on paper allows us to manipulate them in ways that thinking does not. Instead of imagining how a situation will unfold, write the words and add more comments to them.

To Inspire Other People

Remember that some of the most inspiring writing has come from authors who have dared to tackle subjects that most people would avoid. Writing with sincerity and courage increases your chances of connecting with readers and inspiring them in various ways.

There are many ways to help others. Some writers feel compelled to help by raising awareness of an issue, educating others, or assisting others in dealing with their own emotions or situations.

Some authors write works specifically for their own children’s enjoyment. They are required to write stories. They write children’s books to fill a perceived educational gap. Those who have children write nonfiction books about the issues that affect them. They are doing it for their children, no matter how they choose to give back.

To Help Others with Your Writing

Writing shapes culture and society. We have a legal obligation to do so. We can express ourselves through a blog, a letter to the editor of the local newspaper, or even a high school magazine.

A person’s ability to communicate effectively through writing will be a defining factor in their evaluations, whether in school, the workplace or even in the community. Writing improves communication and critical thinking abilities… It preserves ideas and memories.

Even if you don’t have a full-time job as a researcher or academic, you must publish. They increase their visibility and credibility in the field in this way. This applies to almost any industry. If you write about it in magazines, books, and the internet, you will become an expert in your field.


Changing your writing voice necessitates knowing who you are and what you care about most and expressing that in your writing. Investigate your distinct way of observing the world, and then put it into practice to create your particular way of recording it.

Your contribution to the story is as significant as the story itself. As a storyteller, your voice determines what you include, how you see it, and how it is told. How you make the reader feel about the events will influence their experience of your story.

After reading the preceding advice, we hope that you have no doubts regarding how to change your writing voice.