How Many Posts You Need to Build a Profitable Niche Site

Have you ever heard the popular saying “content is king”? This saying has a point – content is still the most important aspect of every niche website. But this saying neglects to clarify how many posts need to build a profitable niche site.

To answer this question, we decided to research and write this article based on practical examples.

By the end, you will know the content-related factors that determine the profitability of a niche site.


How Many Posts You Need to Build a Profitable Niche Site

Content is the foundation of each website. But there is no definitive answer about how many posts need to build a profitable niche site. Some people post 1 article per week, while others post 5 to 10.

The truth is the profitability of a niche depends not just on the number of posts but also on:

  • The posting frequency
  • The content quality
  • The topics covered within the niche
  • The goal of the niche site

There are other aspects, besides content, that need to be optimized on a niche site. These include link-building, technical optimization, social media promotion, analytic tracking, etc.

As a result, you don’t need hundreds or thousands of articles to build a profitable niche site. Instead, you can do it with just 20 to 30 articles if you consider all the factors mentioned above.

In the next section, we will look at the connection between posting frequency and niche site growth.

If you are not sure about the number of posts required to build a profitable niche site, especially if you’re new to affiliate websites? Our SEO service is here to guide you and provide insights on the optimal post count to maximize your success

Frequent Posting vs. Niche Site Growth: An Overview

There are controversial opinions when it comes to posting frequency and site profitability

Many experts claim that posting less frequently leads to greater success. They put more emphasis on content quality than posting frequency.

In fact, the less frequently they post, the more time they have to write well-researched and quality content.

Frequent Posting


Content length is another factor that is more important than article count. As the content amount increased online, so did the word count of well-ranking posts.

A standard post length today is around 1000 to 2000 words. Experts who post articles that are around 1500 words get good results. However, research shows that those who write 3000+ word posts get 2.5x the results.

Wordcount matters for Posting


This doesn’t mean posting less frequently is always better than high-frequency posting. According to this graph, experts that post more frequently get better results.

Percentage of bloggers who report strong results based on frequency


The takeaway is that finding the balance between posting frequency, content quality, and time spent writing a post is the key to driving the best results.

It’s only logical that frequent posting drives more traffic, but it can also burn you out and make you quit after a short while.

Instead of focusing on how many post need for build a profitable niche sites, focus on these factors to balance all aspects of posting on niche sites.

Important Factors to Consider for Niche Site Posting

Create a map of topics to post about

A clear content creation path is crucial for niche site success in the long run. It will ensure that you don’t just publish random topics on your site but have a well-designed and complete structure right from the start.

Finding potential topics starts with keyword research. A topical map organizes those keywords into a coherent unit.

Having topical authority is vital if you want to create a niche site that is credible, authoritative, and profitable. Establishing topical authority can be done through quality content and the in-depth covering of related topics.

Besides, with a topical map, you will have content ideas you can write and publish for months and even years. 

So instead of wasting time randomly researching keywords and content opportunities, you will optimize your niche site’s publishing schedule by constantly adding relevant content.

Focus on content quality and length

Content quality is still the only differentiating factor between different niche sites. However, creating quality content is still a major factor that many creators face.

Focus on content quality and length


This graph shows that 39% of interviewed creators have trouble consistently creating quality content. A reason for this is that a large percentage of topics are already covered in-depth online. 

But this doesn’t mean you can’t find topics that haven’t been discussed and explained in detail.

You can only do that by having experience and expertise and finding topics in your niche that you think are poorly covered online. As for content length, there are no strict rules. The idea is to cover a topic with as much information as possible, even if this means writing a post that is 10.000 words long.

A good rule of thumb is that if you’re an expert in something, try to write twice as much content as your competitors on the first page of Google.

Regularly update your old posts

Creating quality new content is mandatory for a niche site, but it’s not enough. You have to also update and maintain your old posts to ensure they keep ranking in the SERPs.

Old posts sometimes need more than maintenance. You may even have to rewrite them entirely to accommodate the information to modern trends.

According to research, content creators have been updating their old posts more often in recent years. 

Regularly update your old posts


On top of that, content creators who update their old posts report receiving 3x more traffic results.

Bloggers who update old post are 3x more likely to get results


Updating older posts is also more effective than writing new ones. That is because:

  • They already rank in the SERPs
  • They are faster to make
  • They already have high-quality content
  • They are easier to promote across marketing channels


Publishing new content and updating the old one on your niche site means knowing several advantages.

We hope you learned those advantages in this article. It’s not just about how many post need for build a profitable niche sites. 

It’s also about balancing the life-content creation cycle and following several impact factors that drive organic traffic.

What is your experience with the number of posts needed to build a profitable niche site? Do you think the number of posts plays a role in traffic acquisition?

Let us know in the comments.