Technical SEO Audit Service

Don’t let your digital footprint fade into obscurity! Our technical SEO audit service is the key to unlocking your website’s full potential.
We identify the hidden obstacles that are keeping you from the top of the SERPs.

What Is a Technical SEO Audit?

A Technical SEO Audit is an in-depth analysis of a website’s technical aspects that impact its performance in search engine results.

This audit scrutinizes factors like site structure, URL optimization, mobile responsiveness, and page speed, ensuring they align with search engine algorithms. It identifies issues such as broken links, improper redirects, and crawl errors, which can hinder a website’s ability to rank effectively.

Why Is a SEO Important?

A technical audit is crucial because it identifies and resolves the underlying technical issues of a website that impact its performance in search engine rankings. These issues, often unnoticed, include site speed, mobile responsiveness, and crawl errors.

By addressing these, a technical audit enhances the website’s user experience and accessibility, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index. This improved visibility leads to higher organic traffic, better user engagement, and potentially increased conversions.

Essentially, a technical audit is fundamental in optimizing a website’s health and efficiency, laying a solid foundation for any successful SEO and digital marketing strategy.

Benefits 🔥

Reduced Bounce Rates

Faster load times and a more user-friendly interface encourage visitors to stay on your site longer, reducing bounce rates.

Increased Organic Traffic

As search engine rankings improve, your website is more likely to receive increased organic traffic, which is often more targeted and valuable.

Improved Search Engine Rankings

By optimizing technical elements, your website becomes more attractive to search engines, potentially resulting in higher rankings in search results.

More Effective Indexing

By ensuring your site is easily crawlable and free of technical errors, search engines can index your content more effectively, making it more accessible to users.

Competitive Advantage

Many businesses neglect technical SEO, so implementing it can give you a significant edge over competitors, particularly in highly competitive markets.

Enhanced User Experience

Technical SEO improves website speed, mobile-friendliness, and overall usability, leading to a better experience for visitors and potentially higher engagement rates.

What Are You Getting? 📦

Canonical Tags Implementation: Ensures proper use of canonical tags to avoid duplicate content issues, directing search engines to the preferred version of a web page.

Structured Data Markup: Involves adding schema markup to the website, aiding search engines in understanding the content’s context and improving rich snippet visibility.

Hreflang Tags for Multilingual Sites: Ensures correct implementation of hreflang tags for websites with content in multiple languages, guiding search engines to serve the right language version to users.

Page Depth Optimization: Reduces the number of clicks required to reach a page from the home page, enhancing the crawlability and user navigation experience.

Redirect Chains and Loops Check: Identifies and rectifies lengthy redirect chains and loops, which can hinder the crawl efficiency and user experience.

Broken Links Fix: Locates and fixes broken internal and external links, ensuring a smooth user experience and effective link equity distribution.

Server Response Code Analysis: Checks server response codes to identify and address issues like 404 (Not Found) or 500 (Server Error), which can negatively impact SEO.

JavaScript Rendering Check: Ensures that search engines can properly crawl and render JavaScript-driven content, crucial for websites heavily relying on JS frameworks.

Image Optimization: Involves compressing images and ensuring proper alt tags are used, which helps in faster page loading and better image indexing.

URL Parameter Handling: Optimizes the handling of URL parameters in cases of sorting, filtering, or tracking to prevent duplicate content and ensure efficient crawling.

Topical Map Generation Service

Pricing & Packages

🔥 Small Website

  • OVER 1,000 PAGES
  • Site Speed Analysis
  • Mobile Responsiveness Check
  • Crawl Error Identification
  • HTTPS Security Check
  • Indexation Issues Assessment
  • Duplicate Content Analysis
  • Structured Data and Schema Markup Review
  • XML Sitemap and Robots.txt Evaluation
  • Redirects and Broken Links Audit
  • Canonical Tags Review
  • Page Depth Optimization
  • Hreflang Tags for International SEO
  • JavaScript and CSS Optimization

💯 Mid-Size Website

  • OVER 3,000 PAGES
  • Site Speed Analysis
  • Mobile Responsiveness Check
  • Crawl Error Identification
  • HTTPS Security Check
  • Indexation Issues Assessment
  • Duplicate Content Analysis
  • Structured Data and Schema Markup Review
  • XML Sitemap and Robots.txt Evaluation
  • Redirects and Broken Links Audit
  • Canonical Tags Review
  • Page Depth Optimization
  • Hreflang Tags for International SEO
  • JavaScript and CSS Optimization
technical audits performed
250 +
errors addressed
900 K+

100% Satisfaction


What Does Each Feature Means?

Our analysis ensures your website loads quickly, providing a better user experience and positively impacting your search engine rankings.

We assess and optimize your site’s mobile responsiveness, crucial for engaging the growing number of mobile users and improving mobile search rankings.

By identifying and resolving crawl errors, we ensure search engines can efficiently index your site, enhancing visibility and accessibility.

Our security checks validate your site’s use of HTTPS, ensuring data protection and boosting trust with both users and search engines.

We meticulously evaluate and resolve indexation issues, ensuring all your valuable content is visible and indexed by search engines.

Eliminate content redundancy. Our analysis identifies and rectifies duplicate content, preventing potential penalties and preserving your site’s SEO integrity.

We review and optimize your structured data and schema markup, enhancing how search engines understand and display your content in SERPs.

Optimize site crawling and indexing. We ensure your XML sitemap and robots.txt file are effectively guiding search engines through your site.

Our audit fixes redirects and broken links, improving user experience and maintaining link equity, essential for SEO health.

We review and optimize canonical tags to prevent duplicate content issues, ensuring search engines understand the preferred version of your pages.

Enhance the accessibility of your content. We optimize page depth, ensuring your important pages are easily reachable by both users and search engines.

For multi-language sites, we optimize hreflang tags, ensuring the right regional or language version of your site is presented to users.

We streamline your site’s JavaScript and CSS, improving load times and overall site performance, crucial for both user experience and SEO.

Who Needs Topical Maps​ for SEO

Who Needs Technical SEO Audit?

  • E-commerce Websites: With complex structures, large product catalogs, and dynamic content, e-commerce sites greatly benefit from regular technical SEO audits to ensure optimal performance and visibility.

  • Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs): To compete effectively in digital spaces, SMBs need to ensure their websites are technically sound and SEO-friendly.

  • Large Corporations: With extensive and often complex websites, large corporations require ongoing technical SEO audits to maintain and improve their online dominance.

  • Startups: To build a strong online foundation and gain visibility, startups need technical SEO audits to ensure their website is optimized from the beginning.

  • Blogs and Content-driven Websites: For sites where content is king, ensuring technical SEO health is crucial for maximizing reach and audience engagement.

  • News and Media Outlets: Given their high volume of content and the need for timely indexing, these sites benefit from regular technical audits to stay competitive in search rankings.

  • Educational Institutions and Non-profits: To reach their target audiences effectively, these organizations need to ensure their sites are easily navigable and visible in search results.

  • Government Agencies: For accessibility and public visibility, government websites require technical SEO audits to ensure they meet the necessary standards.

  • Digital Marketing Agencies: Offering technical SEO audits as a service to their clients, ensuring they provide comprehensive digital marketing solutions.

  • Web Developers and Designers: To ensure the websites they create are not just aesthetically pleasing but also SEO-friendly right from the development phase.

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s recommended to conduct a technical SEO audit at least once a year. However, if your website undergoes significant changes, such as a redesign, adding new features, or after major search engine algorithm updates, it’s advisable to conduct an audit immediately following those changes.

The key benefits include improved search engine rankings, enhanced user experience, increased organic traffic, lower bounce rates, and better website accessibility. It also ensures that your site complies with the latest search engine guidelines and best practices.

The duration of a technical SEO audit can vary depending on the size and complexity of your website. Typically, audits can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks for very large and complex sites.

While there are tools available that can help you perform a basic audit yourself, a comprehensive technical SEO audit usually requires professional expertise. SEO professionals like us have the necessary tools and knowledge to conduct a deep dive into your website’s technical infrastructure and provide actionable recommendations.

SEO is a long-term strategy, and results may take several months to become evident. Typically, businesses can expect to see improvements in search rankings and organic traffic within 3 to 6 months, depending on the competitiveness of their industry and the effectiveness of the SEO strategies employed.